Trainings and Bootcamps
Are you looking for Agile Trainings for your teams?
From Bootcamps for Product Owners, Scrum Masters or Agile Leaders to interactive workshops on Feedback, Active Listening, Leadership, High Performing Teams, etc.
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Agile Events
We can help you organize, moderate and facilitate your Agile event you need, with minimum effort. We bring experience with hackathons, open space conferences, bootcamps, conferences, trainings, workshops. We tailor the events on your needs.
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Agile Library
Need an Agile Wiki or tones of Agile learning resources to build a learning place for your employees? We can help you with this.
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Individual Coaching
Coaching can help people become the best version of themselves, while utilizing your own strengths and skills. We offer professional 1-2-1 Coaching to support individuals growth and development.
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Book a Cricket
Are you looking for an Agile professional to advise you on your Agile transformation or help you with Agile methodologies to support your deliveries? Do you have a complex situation and need an expert for smart/efficient solutions?
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Agile in Schools
Agile through its methodologies can fit in educational programs, at school projects, university practice. Would you like to apply this at your school/university